Thursday, June 7, 2007

What is life?

To describe what life is, one has to be a Shakespeare of some sort. This does not imply by any means that I am budding dramatist or a writer. These are the words of novice blogger who is a technologist from exterior but an activist from the interior self.

In my very short span of life I have seen things that certainly do not help me formulate a definition of life. The confusion looms large in my mind that........................

Is life the very strange morning of an emperor, which starts, with tensions of new conspiracies being knitted against him ...............

Or is it the luxurious yet very tensed evening of a CEO who has all the money in the world to spend but does not have enough time to spend it to buy a drop of happiness for himself and his family.

Is this life...

Or is it the tireless day and night of a housewife who spends day after day thinking about her husband her children expecting nothing in return................

Or is it the tiresome schedule of an employee at a company who gets no rewards for his good work but gets all the abuses for even one small piece of mistake he commits.

Or is it the noon of a farmer's life where he sweats in expectancy of rain, which never comes on time, and eventually makes him die of hunger.....................

Or is it living on the roadside begging for alms to have a meal for the day.......listening to various abuses of every bypassing stranger...............

Well if this is what life looks like then I must say that its not a very pleasing practice to live life............but..............for one variety of life which I see and which makes me a bit happier is the life of a child who has mornings filled up with good morning wishes from his parents from his friends...his noon engrossed in the quiet, pleasing and educative environment of his school... evenings absorbed in playing without the tension of winning or losing and hours of useless chatting with friends............and then with sound sleep the nights pass by like very sweet dreams.........

If this is also life I wish that this were to be the only way to live life.............

Whatever your perception of life be I hope that life is the day and night of a child who lives every second to live that second without the tension of the future or fear of the past for which gets in and happiness....